Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Correct answers to ten questions about Amie Jatta

2. Where did Amie receive her bachelor's degree?

3. Where did Amie receive her master's degree?

4. What is Amie's favorite sport?

5. Amie's mother tongue is?

6. How many languages does Amie speak fluently?

7. Amie was born in which city?

8. Amie prefers which type of cuisine?

9. How many siblings does Amie have?

10. Amie likes to describe herself as which of the following?

11. One of Amie's top five strengths is woo?

Monday, May 18, 2015

See answers to survey questions about Richie

2. Where did Richie receive his bachelor's degree?
3. Where did Richie receive his master's degree?
4. Which grade did Richie attain in Kuk Soon Won, the traditional Korean Martial Arts system?
5. Richie's native language is English. What other language does Richie speak?
6. Richie is currently studying for his Ph.D. in what subject?
7. Which disability has Richie been diagnosed with?
8. What did Richie score on his ACT?
9. What was Richie's GPA as an undergrad?
10. One of Richie's teachers in college advised Richie to drop out.
11. Richie weighed 360 pounds when he started grad school. How much did he weigh when he graduated?