Friday, October 6, 2017

Ombuds Now Available To Assist Students

In July 2012, Northeastern established the Ombuds Office as a confidential, informal, impartial, and independent resource for employees with a workplace concern. If a student contacted the Ombuds, the Ombuds referred the student to other resources. Beginning today, faculty and staff can refer students with a University concern to the Ombuds.
It is a natural progression for the Northeastern Ombuds to see students as well as staff and faculty. Ombuds offices on college campuses were originally just for students. Today, most university ombuds serve employees and students. Current procedures for referrals of students to resources such as to the Dean of Students or Student Counseling will still be followed. The Ombuds Office merely becomes a complementary office to other student resources already in place.
The main benefit for students is the opportunity to informally talk to a person at the University who will confidentially listen to their concerns, provide information about University offices and policies, help them think through their situation, and assist them in developing options. In addition, the Ombuds can help with conflict resolution. The Ombuds, however, does not take sides in a conflict, investigate, decide who is right or wrong, or advocate for the student.
As a reminder, the only exceptions to the Ombuds keeping the meeting and content confidential is when the Ombuds believes there is an imminent risk of serious harm, suspects child abuse or neglect, or is compelled by a court. Due to the confidentiality of the Ombuds Office, visiting the Ombuds does not put the University on legal notice of a complaint or concern.
Visits to the Ombuds are by appointment only. To schedule an appointment, email Bradley Ginn at

Originally posted on behalf of Bradley Ginn, Ombuds, by Anthony Nettekoven, Library.

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