Monday, June 15, 2020

TRIO SSS Member Lois McNeal: A Model Of Persistence

At 70 years of age, I decided to return to school to achieve my dream of finishing a B.A. degree. As a young adult, I dreamed of going to college and completing a B.A. but I had to put that dream on hold as I worked to support a family, consisting of two sons, a husband and myself. While earning a B.A. was a personal goal, I also wanted to set a good example for future generations. Now, due to my persistent desire to learn, my grandchildren and great grandchildren want to attend or return to college, and this has been another major motivation to overcome the countless obstacles I have faced on my educational journey. 

I had difficulties learning math, so returning to school was a challenge in itself, plus the obstacles I had to overcome outside of school. I had an issue with my home situation, which was distracting. The City of Chicago was going to close the building I lived in, and I didn’t know when it would happen, but when it did happen, I would be homeless. I was able to find a new place to live and I don't have to worry anymore about my building being closed.

I spend hours at TRIO Student Support Services learning math. As a TRIO member, I rely heavily on TRIO tutors. I am not a person who stops trying to learn. At the age of 70, I feel that I am capable of learning any subject that I undertake.

Through all of these challenges I have kept a positive attitude and not given up. I currently have a 3.47 GPA and am close to graduation. Earning my B.A. degree will be one of the major accomplishments of my life.

Lois McNeal

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